iPEnd Training Grant Recruitment

Thank you for your interest in the iPEnd Postdoctoral Translational training program! Please review our information below on recruitment plans and application instructions.

Are we currently accepting applications for new PhD, MD, and DVM postdoctoral trainees?

Yes! We are recruiting to fill three slots, with targeted start dates between July and December 2023. Materials will continue to be accepted until the positions are filled. Please check back to make sure we are still accepting applications if you are applying after December 1.

How can I apply?

Applicants complete a three-step application process. First, they submit a CV and statement of interest to the program.

Second, their materials are reviewed by program trainers to identify potential collaborations and translational research areas based on the interests and training of each applicant. Applicants with potential matches will be invited to interview with members of the steering committee, and to meet with prospective advisor teams to further identify potential research projects.

Third, with the support of a PhD/MD or DVM advisor team, applicants will submit a full application to the program.

Complete application instructions can be found here.

Eligibility to Apply

We have several eligibility requirements for our trainees.

First, they must be eligible for NIH NRSA support. Trainees must be U.S. citizens, non-citizen national, or be lawfully admitted for permanent residency before starting their appointment. They must complete their doctoral degrees before the start of their training appointments. They must be available for full-time research. They are limited to three years total of NRSA-funded postdoctoral support across all Postdoctoral NIH grants.

Second, they must be eligible for support under our funding agency, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Their research must be relevant to the training mission of NICHD, namely, normal and abnormal human development, including contraception, fertilization, pregnancy, childbirth, prenatal and postnatal development, childhood development through adolescence, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and rehabilitation medicine.

Third, they must be eligible for support under this training program. An applicant’s research interests must be supported by at least one of our faculty trainers, and a project must be identified that has a translational component that can be carried out under the guidance of a clinical/basic science mentoring team. Our faculty focus on reproduction, reproductive endocrine physiology, human development, and endocrine-based adult onset diseases. Co-mentors are not required to be iPEnd trainers, but the project must tie back to our general focus. We appreciate projects that develop new inter- or multidisciplinary collaborations. We also appreciate projects that bring new tools and approaches to standing research questions by moving research from bedside to bench or vice-versa, by incorporating non-human primate models, human tissues, or cellular exploration, and/or by using big data, machine learning, and -omics.

We require that applicants be able to commit at least 12 months to their training. We require that applicants be interested in pursuing a research-relevant profession in further support of NICHD focus areas. These professions can be in academia and academic medicine, government, industry, science policy, and other professions of interest to NICHD.

While not an eligibility requirement, we do note that NRSA-supported postdoctoral funding incurs a payback requirement. This requirement is generally satisfied by a second year of full-time training, and we do aim to provide two years of support to trainees who are making satisfactory research progress and demonstrate that they can continue to do so.

Application Instructions

Ready to apply? Please follow these instructions, and reach out to us with any questions.