Details student and committee member responsibilities before, during, and after thesis committee meetings. Special attention is given to the first (Certification) meeting, Prelim (for PhD students), and final (6-month) meetings as well as Thesis Defense itself.
File: ERP-Checklists-Students-Committee-Members-Meetings-Prelim-Defense-version-7-9-24.docx
This annual evaluation provides a mechanism for the student to review their overall progress towards their degree and to identify areas of strength and weakness in their development as an independent scientist. Due to ERP Office August 1st each academic year.
File: ERP-Annual-Progress-Report-Form-Blank-Sept-2023.pdf
This annual evaluation provides a mechanism for the student to review their overall progress towards their degree and to identify areas of strength and weakness in their development as an independent scientist. Due to ERP Office August 1st each academic year. (This is just an example. Use the blank template.)
File: ERP-Annual-Progress-Report-Form-Buckingham-Badger-Sept-2023.pdf
Due by the end of Second Semester. To be completed by student in conjunction with faculty advisor as part of the first committee meeting. Student will complete form via Microsoft Word and have their faculty advisor forward the document as an attachment ERP Program Office ( by the end of the Spring term of Year 1.
File: ERP-Certification-Form-September-2024-1.docx
Fall 2024 ERP Incoming Student Checklist & Lab Rotation Info document
File: 2024-ERP-IncomingStudentChecklist-Lab-Rotation-Info-1.pdf
Form to be completed by thesis committee chair to provide feedback on PhD student’s preliminary document. This form is specifically designed to provide feedback for NIH F31-style grant proposals. The form can be adapted as needed to suit other grant proposal styles.
File: ERP-Preliminary-Exam-Reviewer-Score-Sheet-Sep-24-2024.docx
Reference this handbook to learn about the unique policies, requirements, procedures, resources, and norms for graduate students in the Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Training Program.
File: ERP-Student-Handbook-Final_Sep-2023.pdf
Complete this report for each formal thesis committee meeting.
Student responsibility:
• Attach a copy of last year’s completed report to the current year’s report (if applicable).
• Complete the first and second sections and disseminate to committee members at least 1 week prior to the meeting. The first section is cumulative; add to it and share the cumulative list with thesis committee members each year. Identify current year items with an asterisk. The second section represents progress in the current year.
• Submit the form to the ERP program coordinator after receiving input and signatures from committee members (this should happen within 1 week of the meeting).
• Save a copy of the signed report for next year’s meeting (if applicable)
Note-taker Committee Member responsibility:
• Work with other committee members to complete the third section during / after the committee meeting. The trainee will email a copy of this form, once signed, to the ERP program coordinator within 1 week of the committee meeting.
File: ERP-Thesis-Committee-Meeting-Report-Form-NEW-September-2023.docx
ERP form to establish MS or PhD Thesis Committee
File: ERP-Form-to-Establish-MS-or-PhD-Thesis-Committee-Sept-2023.doc
ERP recommends an Advising Compact between advisor and student. The advisor’s department or lab may already have an existing compact. If not, the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences’ General Expectations Compact can be used as a model.
File: ADS-General-Expectations-Compact-downloaded-9-6-2023.pdf