First year graduate students, should consult with their assigned first year advisor prior to registering for classes to discuss the best sequence of course completion. All students are expected to earn a “B” average each semester of enrollment.
In the event you have taken a course that covers the same material, a waiver can be requested from Dr. Bird. You will need to provide a copy of the syllabus from the course taken and the UW course you are requesting a waiver from.
PhD Core Course Requirements
A. 3-4 credits of Statistics
Statistics 571 (4 cr, Fall) or Statistics 541 (3 cr, Fall)
B. 3 credits in Endocrinology
**Endocrine Physiology, Animal Sciences 875 (3 Cr, Fall)
C. 9 credits in Biochemistry
- **Biochemistry 507 (3 cr, Fall)
- Biochemistry 508 (3 cr, Spring)
- 3 credits or more in Biochemistry/Cell signaling
**Biochemistry 630 (3 cr, Fall) or Neuroscience 610 (4 cr)
Note: If pre-qualified in Biochemistry, candidate should seek a waiver from 507 and 508 from Program Director. We do not recommend taking course marked ** at the same time.
D. Professional Development
- Obstetrics and Gynecology 955 (2 cr, Fall) — taken the first year
- Obstetrics and Gynecology 956 (1 cr, Spring) — taken as a dissertator
E. ERP Program Seminar (1 cr.) *Animal Sciences 954, Ob/Gyn 954, Zoology 954
Additional Elective Requirements: to PhD standard as needed and per committee approval
F. Further credits of Relevant more specialized study in Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Endocrinology or Reproduction. Choices will depend on project and career needs, but should be made with the approval of your advisor and committee.
G. Other – selections as approved per Certification Committee
- Advanced Statistics – as per project design – eg Stats 572, Stats 542, etc [consult with your committee].
- Advanced Topics Courses – designed to be at the cutting edge.
Planning your course of study for the remainder of your degree
Once you have identified a research project advisor and spent time in the laboratory developing your thesis project, additional course work will be determined by your advisory committee at the time of certification. The ERP Program has specific course requirements for MS and PhD degrees beyond the core courses described above. As you look at the course requirements you will find that you have a lot of flexibility to take courses that are directly related to your thesis research and long term career goals. We strongly advise each student to be proactive in planning a course of study to take advantage of all resources available. In addition to traditional courses, each student will take research credits with their advisor each semester.