Thaddeus (Ted) Golos

Position title: Professor


Phone: Placenta biology, stem cells


BS 1978 Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
MS 1982 University of Illinois- Urbana, Urbana, IL
PhD 1984 University of Illinois – Urbana, Urbana, IL
Postdoctoral Position: University of Pennsylvania

Thaddeus (Ted) Golos. Professor, Comparative Biosciences. Placenta biology, stem cells.

NIH Biosketch
PubMed Publications

Research Focus

I am a reproductive physiologist by training, and I have been working with nonhuman primates (NHPs) at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center since 1987. During that time, my laboratory has made key strides forward in research with nonhuman primates and understanding the cellular and molecular biology of the maternal-fetal interface. The Golos laboratory examines questions of placental biology relevant to human health and disease. We use nonhuman primate models in our studies. Under this broad focus, research areas include understanding the maternal-fetal immune dialogue in establishment of a healthy pregnancy, and protection of the fetus from bacterial and viral infection, developing advanced imaging technologies in collaboration with radiologists and medical physicists to identify the antecedents of placental pathologies that precede adverse pregnancy outcomes, and using IVF-derived primate embryos for genomic editing to generate animal models of human genetic diseases, and to model implantation and placental development.

Our studies of embryo/maternal interactions will lead to improved understanding of the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy, reasons for early pregnancy loss, and insights into the role(s) of the placenta in promoting fetal well-being. Appropriate placental development underpins appropriate fetal growth as well as maternal health and well-being. A detrimental intrauterine environment can profoundly affect postnatal physiology throughout the lifespan.

Program Activities

  • Joined ERP Program: 1995


No current ERP students

Past ERP students

  • Sydney Nguyen (PhD)
  • Ann Rozner (PhD)
  • Jessica Drenzek (PhD)
  • Tien-cheng (Arthur) Chang (PhD)
  • Behzad Gerami-Naini (PhD)
  • Dinesh Rao (PhD)
  • Michael Wolfgang (PhD)
  • Yi Qin (MS)
  • Leah Pollastrini (MS)
  • Maria Giakoumopoulos (PhD)