Hasan Khatib

Position title: Associate Chair & Professor - Genetics & Epigenetics, Animal and Dairy Sciences

Email: hkhatib@wisc.edu

Phone: Genomic imprinting; Genetic development of embryos in cattle; Genetic traits that impact health and milk quality in cattle


B.Sc. 1985 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
M.Sc. 1988 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Ph.D. 1994 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Postdoctoral position: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Hasan Khatib. Professor, Animal Science. Genomic imprinting; Genetic development of embryos in cattle; Genetic traits that impact health and milk quality in cattle.

NIH Biosketch
PubMed Publications
Departmental Website

Research Focus

My research program is focused on two major fields. The first is applied research on candidate genes affecting production and reproduction traits in cattle. The second is basic research on the mechanisms leading to differential expression of monoallelically- versus biallelically-expressed genes, including imprinted genes.

Program Activities

  • Joined ERP Program: 2009
  • ERP T32 Faculty Trainer


No Current ERP students

wdt_ID Trainees Degree
1 Past Trainees Degree Completed
2 Ashley Driver ERP PhD Minor
3 Jenna Kropp ERP PhD Minor