Bo Liu

Position title: Professor, Surgery


Phone: Molecular mechanism underlying vascular inflammation: Molecular mechanism underlying occlusive vascular diseases; and Development of new materials for biomedical applications (gene delivery and vascular grafts)


M.S. 1986 Beijing University, Beijing, China
Ph.D. 1993 SUNY Down State, New York, NY
Postdoctoral position: Columbia University, New York, NY

Bo Liu. Professor, Surgery. Molecular mechanism underlying vascular inflammation: Molecular mechanism underlying occlusive vascular diseases; and Development of new materials for biomedical applications (gene delivery and vascular grafts).

NIH Biosketch
PubMed Publications
Departmental Website

Research Focus

My research is focused on molecular mechanisms underlying vascular inflammation, molecular mechanisms underlying occlusive vascular diseases, and development of new materials for biomedical applications (gene delivery and vascular grafts).

Program Activities

  • Joined ERP Program: 2010
  • ERP T32 Faculty Trainer


No current ERP students

wdt_ID Trainees Degree
1 Past Trainees Degree Completed
2 Jason (Jun) Ren PhD